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Auto Services > Cooling Systems

Winnipeg Car Repairs: Cooling System Inspections & Flushes

It’s very important to periodically flush your car’s cooling system, since coolant becomes corrosive when the pH level drops low. This causes premature failure of engine components and gaskets. At Erickson Motors in Winnipeg, our team of professional mechanics can ensure that this doesn’t happen. Come to us to get your cooling system’s pH levels checked yearly. Once we’ve taken a look, we can recommend when to get your system flushed.

When it’s time to flush your cooling system, our service costs 149.95. We’ll inspect all of your cooling system components, provide a pH level test, check the coolant’s freeze point and inspect all belts and hoses. The flush includes 10 litres of coolant.

Full Cooling System Inspections, Including New Coolant

With our coolant system flush, we can make your engine last longer. This will keep your car running smoothly and prevent the need for more expensive repairs down the line. Contact Erickson Motors for an appointment.

Expert Auto Team

We’ve got over 60 years of experience in car repairs and maintenance

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